Worship Participants

Our Sunday liturgies rely on a whole team of people as we strive to “worship God in the beauty of holiness.”



Both children and adults serve as acolytes for church services, assisting the priest.

Acolytes are scheduled once or twice a month. There is a short training session prior to serving and you will be teamed up with a seasoned acolyte to start. New acolytes are always welcome.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild at St. Barnabas is involved in the “behind the scenes” preparation for our church services.

Guild members set the altar with sacred linens and vessels, make sure the candles are ready, and other things you don't think about, but would notice if they were missing!

The Altar Guild also coordinates altar decorations and hangings for the various seasons of the church calendar year. Altar Guild members usually serve about twice a month before and after church services.


Lectors, Intercessors, and chalice bearers

Many members of St. Barnabas are involved in the church services by serving as lectors and chalice bearers.

Lectors read from scripture. Copies of the readings are emailed earlier in the week so you can try out different pronunciations of biblical names and places.

Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People.

Chalice bearers come to the altar at the distribution of communion to serve the consecrated wine.

Schedules for lectors, intercessors, and chalice bearers are published in advance and you can expect to serve once or twice a month.



Ushers at St. Barnabas greet people before services and hand out bulletins. They’re generally the first ones to greet worshipers as they arrive.

They also pass the collection plates, assist the congregation with heading to and from the communion rail, and take the official count of attendance at services.  

If you wish to become involved in any of these important ministries, contact the church office.