Worship Participants
Scheduling for the various ministries are done in advance, based on interest and availability. To volunteer, please contact Verger Lysa Kenney @ verger@stbarnabasbv.org
Anyone ages 8-80 can serve as an Acolyte for our services. The Acolyte leads the procession in and out of the Nave, and assists the priest during the service. Acolytes may also be called for other services (Weddings, Funerals, etc.) as needed. Fancy dress will be provided!
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild at St. Barnabas is involved in the “behind the scenes” preparation for our church services.
Guild members set the altar with sacred linens and vessels, make sure the candles are ready, and other things you don't think about, but would notice if they were missing!
The Altar Guild also coordinates altar decorations and hangings for the various seasons of the church calendar year. Altar Guild members usually serve about twice a month before and after church services.
Chalice Minister
Chalice bearers come to the altar at the distribution of communion to serve the consecrated wine. Training and certification is required.
Greeters are the first smiling face worshippers will see when they arrive, and will provide assistance to those who may need it, to get into the building. Greeters are asked to be friendly, outgoing, and in attendance on a regular basis so as to be able to identify newcomers and be a source of information for any questions/concerns that may arise.
Ushers will welcome worshippers, distribute bulletins, pass out and collect the offering plates, provide a count of attendees, and help to straighten up pews and refill envelopes/literature after the service.
Lectors read from scripture during the service. Bulletins are included in the Thursday newsletter for advanced preparation, and copies of the lessons are provided with large print and phonetics (as needed) on the lectern.
Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People, or Prayers for the Candidates for Baptism Sundays.
Do you know how to look at pictures and share them on your phone? Then you can run our livestreaming! Every Sunday, we provide livestream access to our parishioners who cannot attend in person. TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED! The duties include setting up the (3) cameras, plugging in the iPad, and hitting the “LIVE” button. (It’s really pretty simple….)
Coffee Hour Setup/Service/Cleanup
This ministry is a branch of our Hospitality Committee, providing refreshment and nourishment to our parish family. All items are provided; this team is responsible for setting up the event (putting out the treats/snacks, making coffee, arranging the tables, etc.), being present during to serve items as needed, and to cleanup/put away the items afterwards.
These tasks are divided into two volunteer options: Setup and Service/Cleanup. You can volunteer for either or both!
Counters are responsible for counting and documenting the monies received during the Offertory. A team of two are required for accountability purposes. This work is done after the service each Sunday.