Our congregation offers up our hearts to God through music in a variety of ways:
As the saying goes, “Anyone who sings, prays twice...” and our talented choir is directed by Dr. Stephan Knobloch. Everyone is welcome to participate, and the choir rehearses on Saturday mornings from 9:00 am to 10:30am. Please contact Steve if you are interested in joining!
The St. Barnabas Children’s Choir is led by Eileen Moore, and they rehearse on Sunday mornings as part of the Sunday School time.
Our 100-year old pipe organ is an important part of our tradition and it is supplemented by our 1936 Steinway Model B grand piano. Use this link to learn more about our organ:
The electronic Verdin carillon, housed in our tower, chimes the hours and plays hymns at noon and 6:00 pm. The carillon also plays hymns prior to our services (outside of Lent) to draw the community to prayer.
Music is an important part of our connection to God, so if you have a favorite hymn or song that is meaningful to you – let us know, and we will include it in one of our services.