COVID Protocols

Thank you for continuing to keep our congregation safe. St. Barnabas' COVID protocols are the following:

  • Masks: In accordance with diocesan as well as local & national health guidelines, masks are still recommended at St. Barnabas, but no longer required.

  • Vaccinations/Boosters: Our congregation has an incredibly high vaccination rate and we encourage others to be vaccinated as a means of loving our neighbors and protecting the most vulnerable among us.

On Face Masks

Wednesday in the Fifth Week after Pentecost, July 8, 2020

Current research suggests that face coverings largely do not prevent the inhalation of the coronavirus at a molecular level. Rather, their function is to prevent the exhalation of respiratory droplets into the air which others might breath in. Therefore, masks are not worn to protect ourselves, but rather worn to protect those around us. Wearing a face covering is a means by which we are able to live into Jesus’ command that we love our neighbors. It is a simple way that we are able to protect the most vulnerable among us.

“In humility regard others as more important than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3